Latest Album

'Lasting Light', a selection of solo piano works was released in July 2019.

Performed by Richard P John.

All music composed by Dan Phelps.

Other Albums

Launched in September 2017, recorded at the Church of the Holy Cross, Cowbridge.

Performed by

  • Katy Cox (cello)

  • Richard P John (piano)


'Shadows', written for violin, cello and piano was released in November 2013.

Performed by

  • James Grindle (violin)

  • Jemma Wells (cello)

  • Karyn Phelps (piano)

All music composed by Dan Phelps.


'Serenity', a 60 minute solo piano album was released in 2013.

All music composed and performed by Dan Phelps.


'Reflections', Dan's debut album for solo piano was released in December 2010.

All music composed and performed by Dan Phelps.